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Getting Started

Symbolic Fundamentals

zkFold Symbolic doesn't rely on any GHC compiler magic or compiler plugins: Symbolic code is usual Haskell code, compiled by usual GHC 9.6.0 compiler. We only use the Haskell type system in a smart way to distinguish arithmetizable computations from non-arithmetizable ones. While this is great, this also means that at least basic knowledge of Haskell language is required; we advise to at least get comfortable with the syntax first.

Now, back to Symbolic. It is distinguished from simple Haskell by presence of the context type variable c satisfying the type constraint Symbolic c which is later used in Symbolic data types. For example, here is the Symbolic function which, given a native field element and a ByteString of length 256, computes MiMC hash on the contents of a bytestring and compares it with the expected result:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

import ZkFold.Symbolic.Algorithms.Hash.MiMC (hash)
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Class                (Symbolic)
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Bool            (Bool)
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.ByteString      (ByteString)
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Eq              ((==))
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.FieldElement    (FieldElement)

checkHash :: Symbolic c => FieldElement c -> ByteString 256 c -> Bool c
checkHash expected byteString = hash byteString == expected

Coming soon

If you too are worried by the amount of the import stanzas, you are not alone. Soon we will define the ZkFold.Symbolic.Prelude module which would reexport the most useful definitions of Symbolic Standard Library.

The main benefit of making all functions polymorphic in c is that it allows us to reinterpret them in a plethora of different ways, most notably both as a blueprint for an arithmetic circuit used in a zkSNARK and as a pure function to be evaluated on concrete inputs.

While there is no restriction on which functions can be written and reused in other functions (as zkFold Symbolic code is just Haskell code), for a function to be compilable into a circuit, certain conditions have to be satisfied:

  1. All of its arguments are an instance of SymbolicInput;
  2. Its return type is SymbolicData.

checkHash satisfies these constraints, so we can compile it with, you guessed it, compile function and print the compiled circuit:

import ZkFold.Symbolic.Compiler (compile)
import MyExample                (checkHash)

printCheckHashAC :: IO ()
printCheckHashAC = print (compile checkHash)

Our Standard Library provides a collection of basic types with instances of both SymbolicInput and SymbolicData. Basic types are covered on the next page of this documentation. When building on top of those basic types, developers can write down their own instances of SymbolicInput and SymbolicData for their custom types. We will discuss custom type implementation on the Custom Types page.

Tips and tricks

Higher-order functions

Being usual Haskell code, zkFold Symbolic admits usual Haskell idioms, including polymorphism, monads, higher-order functions and whatnot. For example, we could rewrite our checkHash function in the following way:

import ZkFold.Symbolic.Algorithms.Hash.MiMC qualified as MiMC

checkWith ::
    Symbolic c =>
    FieldElement c -> (ByteString c -> FieldElement c) -> ByteString c -> Bool c
checkWith expected hash byteString = hash byteString == expected

checkHash :: Symbolic c => FieldElement c -> ByteString c -> Bool c
checkHash expected = checkWith expected MiMC.hash

And this would still compile just fine — and to the same circuit as before, even — nevermind the higher-order functions and eta-reduction. Once again: anything goes as long as the function which ends up being compiled satisfies the constraints outlined above.

Embedding Haskell values

While there is typically no way to obtain the value of a Symbolic datatype inside a Symbolic function (because, in an arbitrary context, there might be no such thing as "value" to worry about, at all), going in the other direction is dead simple: just call the conversion function! At zkFold, we call this conversion function fromConstant.

Now, for a final version of a checkHash:

import Numeric.Natural                 (Natural)

import ZkFold.Base.Algebra.Basic.Class (FromConstant (..))

checkWith' ::
    (Symbolic c, FromConstant a (FieldElement c)) =>
    a -> (ByteString c -> FieldElement c) -> ByteString c -> Bool c
checkWith' expected hash byteString = hash byteString == fromConstant expected

checkHash' :: Symbolic c => ByteString c -> Bool c
checkHash' = checkWith' (0xDEADF00D :: Natural) MiMC.hash

Few things to note:

  1. As can be expected from its type, checkHash' compiles fine, too.
  2. As provided expected value is constant, it can (and will) be encoded in the circuit using fewer constraints, bringing further optimizations!


As always is with sensitive information, care must be taken: do not use this technique to encode private values inside the circuit! Anyone who gets to view the contents of the circuit can extract the information easily.