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Basic Types

Here are some of the types from Symbolic Standard Library which you are most likely to encounter while working with the language. All of them implement both SymbolicData and SymbolicInput except for (e -> a), which is only SymbolicData.

Bool c

Symbolic datatype corresponding to the usual boolean value. Supports basic boolean operations (&&, ||, not, xor etc.) and conditional branching — as long as the resulting type is SymbolicData:

import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Conditional  (bool)
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Eq           ((==))
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.FieldElement (FieldElement)

safeInv :: Symbolic c => FieldElement c -> FieldElement c -> FieldElement c
safeInv default_ x = bool (finv x) default_ (x == zero)

Located in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Bool.

FieldElement c

Corresponds to a single native field element of a context c. Supports comparison, all field operations and can be obtained from Natural, Integer and from the Haskell value of a native field element (the latter is called BaseField c).

Located in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.FieldElement.

ByteString n c

Fixed-size bytestring. Supports equality, bitwise logical operations and various operations which treat it as a contiguous sequence of elements (bits): concatenation, reversing, truncation, extension etc.

Most operations require KnownNat n, which is to be expected.

Located in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.ByteString.

(x, y)

As long as both x and y are SymbolicData (SymbolicInput), a pair (and, in general, a tuple) of them is, too.

e -> a

As long as a is SymbolicData, e -> a is, too. Unfortunately, the same doesn't hold for SymbolicInput, so we currently cannot compile functions which take another function as input; however, thanks to SymbolicData instance, both currying and branching via Bool c work with functions.

Vector n x

This is our custom "fixed-size" vector type. Usually, we use it in an ordinary Haskell code. However, as long as x is SymbolicData (SymbolicInput) and n is KnownNat, a Vector of them is, too.

Definition of a Vector can be found in ZkFold.Base.Data.Vector.

Maybe c x

Symbolic Maybe datatype. As long as x is SymbolicData in context c, Maybe c x is, too, and provides familiar Maybe interface: construnctors just, nothing, as well as maybe combinator.

Coming soon

While sum types cannot be SymbolicData as-is, soon we will offer a lightweight wrapper which can turn any algebraic datatype containing Symbolic datatypes into their Symbolic counterpart.

UInt n r c

Fixed-width unsigned integer. Supports comparison, all ring operations which treat it as a residue modulo 2^n and can be obtained from Natural, Integer and from FieldElement c as long as n is big enough.

r is a register size which can be tweaked in different usecases for maximum performance. Can be set either to Auto which greedily chooses biggest registers or to Fixed m where m is fixed number of bits in a register.

Most operations require KnownNat (NumberOfRegisters (BaseField c) n r).

Located in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.UInt.

Coming soon

Actually, using NumberOfRegisters slows down compilation of Haskell code quite a bit and also hurts readability, so we are going to get rid of this constraint soon and only require KnownNat n and KnownRegisterSize r.

FFA p c

Foreign-field arithmetic modulo p inside arbitrary context c. Currently only ring operations are supported.

Located in ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.FFA.

Coming soon

Soon, we will migrate FFA to more efficient implementation, which would also allow for exact equality and fast exponentiation.

Point (Ed25519 c)

Point of an Edwards 25519 curve as a Symbolic datatype. Supports basic curve operations.

Coming soon

Currently we are in an active process of integrating Incrementally Verifiable Computations (IVCs) into zkFold Symbolic. Based on this technique, soon we will be able to provide arbitrarily-sized types for Symbolic, including Lists, arbitrary-sized ByteStrings, arbitrary-precision arithmetic and more!